Thursday, August 17, 2006

I've still got some growing up to do

I'm going to try to make this as unspecific as possible to keep from any misunderstandings. It's not about anyone in particular, just some realizations about myself.

I mentioned a couple months ago, how hard it is for me to understand different points of view. I'm realizing that, if it's something I've somehow struggled through in the past, I'm that much more intolerant of others for not even hearing the other possible points of view.

An example: one area where I'm not "crunchy" (natural, organic, et al) is about diapers. We use disposable. After growing up with cloth diapers and smelling the pail on its way to the laundry room, and having to rinse the dirty diapers, I wanted nothing more to do with it. I know it's bad for the environment, I know it's more expensive, and I know that cloth can be better for sensitive-skinned babies. It's easy to justify while we live in an apartment...laundry is expensive here, so that makes the "cost" factor more of a wash. But even if we had a house with a washer and dryer, I would be using disposable.
I know that people who have chosen cloth think that's inexcusable, and I understand all their reasons. But it's our decision, and I hope they respect my decision.

But I have a hard time understanding parents who choose things other than what I do. I think, "how could they do __________ to their kids??" and don't do a good job respecting their decision.

This post really isn't going anywhere at all, I just wanted to talk. Anyone else feel that way, or am I just really immature??


Reformed Mama said...

i can very definitely relate. we all choose our paths because we think they are the right paths, not just for the heck of it. so, it stands to reason that we would naturally think someone who chooses differently was wrong.

Kimberlee said...

I think that it shows that you are growing up because you recognize things about yourself where you may want to change/grow. I think that, as moms, we all end up thinking that we have the best way to do things... and only time will tell. :) There aren't really many things I'd do differently though. :)