Thursday, December 09, 2010


I don't think it's a secret that I'm a sucker for babies. I like to smell their heads and kiss their toes.*

So when I saw the baby giraffe on the Kilimanjaro Safari in Animal Kingdom (Disney's newest park in Walt Disney World), I was pretty excited. Josh liked even better that we actually saw him running. Usually they're pretty still when we see them in the zoo, but since they have the whole savanna to play in, they actually use it!

Then, a little bit later, we got to the elephants. And saw the cutest baby elephant there, playing with his mother and friends.

The "tour guide" said he'd never seen them playing like that, so we knew we'd seen something special.

After the Safari, we took the walking tour. (from two times there now, I can pretty safely say the Asia walking tour is much more exciting than the Africa one, even if the tigers aren't even visible or there's a woman there taking a video of the tiger breathing in the only location where you could almost see his eyes, just because the decorations are out of this world in the Asia Jungle Trek.)

So where was I?...

Oh yeah. the walking tour. There, we saw a 9-month old gorilla. Oh my goodness.

Watching him (her? I forget) behaving like a human toddler, realizing he (she?) was about the same size as was just too much. I loved it!!

And of course there are the human-types. They can be pretty cute, too.

(I call this one "drunk on Life")
And in case you haven't had quite enough cuteness, this will definitely put you over the edge. (just don't comment on his bruise. He hasn't quite figured out how to safely follow the girls when they start climbing around the furniture).

*no, this is not a hint of any "news" from here. I've retired that type of news and am leaving it up to my sisters and sisters-in-law!!

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