Monday, July 16, 2012


We're all learning to live in limbo.
But hopefully not for too much longer.
Because this is how we're feeling some days:
That pretty much sums it up.

We have someone coming to see the house a second time tomorrow afternoon, and we're on yesterday's showing's "short list." (not sure how many we're up against on that short list!) So things are looking really good!
Which is good. Sure, I'm getting quicker at deep-cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, putting away toys and vacuuming, but it's getting old. Even older is the constant answer of "sorry kids, it's packed!" 

But Florida is looking more real. Like it's somewhere we might be before much longer. and that makes me VERY happy, and much more willing to go out of my way and bake banana bread in an 84-degree house to make the house smell homey. 
(and run the window a/c and all the fans to keep it below 84 when they come through!!)

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