Monday, September 03, 2012

Second Grader

Even though we started school in the beginning of May, we always do our school pictures in early September.
Probably because it doesn't occur to me until I see others posting pictures of their kids in their new clothes and backpacks, waiting for the bus.

Thankfully, Jasmine doesn't have to wait for the bus. My night owl is thankful daily that she doesn't have to do the early-morning scramble. She's not usually up before the bus has flown past our house (and I seriously mean "flown." That driver thinks it's a race track down our little tiny street. I wouldn't want my kids on that bus!!)

Sorry for the tangent. It's what I do ;)

Here's my beautiful second grader. (my kindergartener needs her own photo shoot. I kinda forgot that she needed pictures too, since I don't record her work like I do Jasmine's. But she's doing her school, and doing beautifully, and I started pictures 2 years ago for Jasmine, so I need to for Boo too!)


Kindergarten....first grade...second grade:

Second grade is off to a good start. Not perfect, but good. We took a chunk of time off in June while we were getting the house on the market, and since most of her craft stuff is packed, it's less exciting stuff she's working on. But she's decided she actually enjoys reading and I usually see her with a book. Her favorites are science-related, though she enjoys beginning chapter books as well. 
She's a blossoming artist. She loves to draw and is very good at it. All of her self-dubbed "masterpieces" are completely different and creative...they all have all five of us in them and we're all doing different things. I'll have to see if I can find some and get them posted here, but here's her very first masterpiece. This one took her three days (tenacity!) but usually they take 20-30 minutes these days. 

(we're at a farm. I don't remember now which is which of us, but there's a sheep, a rooster crowing, birds in the sky, and the sun rising. Thus the orange sky) 

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