Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Jasmine's First Real Photo Shoot

As if Josh and I haven't taken her picture often enough, last night we took her to Sears to get her pictures taken professionally. We had a gift certificate from his aunt, and since she can sit up now we figured it would be easier to get good pictures of her. We didn't buy many (though we may go back tonight and get one more) but she was wonderful...just didn't smile too much. So here's what I think went through her head during the shoot:

Mommy put me in a beautiful dress, one with lots to chew on.
We drove to the mall and a lady kept telling me I was beautiful. Of course!
Then she wanted me to sit on the floor, on a big sheet. Mommy was nearby, and Daddy was watching.
Every time I tried to get up and crawl away to see all the cool things in the room, Mommy pulled me back to the same place. I can't touch anything there!
Then, they put me on my hands and knees. Finally, I could explore. But I think what they really want me to do is to sit up, so that's what I'll do. What? Back on my hands and knees? No, I think you want me to sit.
Then they brought out these fuzzy things and kept touching my face with them. I don't know what they were but they didn't smell like my toys. Daddy tried to play with them with me, but I don't know. They just didn't look very friendly.
And the lady kept putting a toy near me but not letting me have it. I think that's why I didn't trust the fuzzy balls.

We finished, and we got to see a bunch of nice pictures...one with a sweet, natural smile, but the rest with "almost" smiles. Guess it's a good thing we bought a good camera!

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