Monday, November 28, 2005


My 10-year high school reunion was Saturday night. My friend's baby shower was shortly before it, and much more fun.
All of my closest friends and their husbands were there, and it was great to catch up with them. This is the first time all 10 of us (and Jasmine!) were together, which was really cool.

Things haven't changed. A couple years ago, I ran into someone from high school that I knew but wasn't terribly good friends with. We had a great conversation. It made me think maybe the reunion would rekindle friendships that hadn't really gotten terribly close. Nope. All the old cliques were reunited, and that was it! Those of us who didn't fit in then, didn't now, either.
But the good thing: it doesn't matter anymore. I have a husband that loves me, a baby who thinks the world revolves around me, and friends and family who really care. So what does it matter if the snobby girls from my high school still don't understand? Does it matter? Not a bit!!

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