Friday, June 13, 2008

Catching Up (LOTS of pictures)

Last night we tried sleeping in our own room. It worked well, except that Jasmine woke up at 5 and her crying woke Bekah up. Jasmine went back to sleep, but Bekah didn't. Makes for an early start to the day! Now it's 10:30 and I'm seriously ready for a nap!

I'm behind again on layouts. Sorry! First, though, a picture of my new hair :) I told her I wanted to really notice the highlights, since last time I could barely see them so no one else noticed either. If I'm going through that much to get them done, I want them seen!! Um, they are :D

Here's the cover to a book I made for the girls. It went together really well and I was all excited. "I can do hybrid! I can do hybrid!" (for non-scrappers, "hybrid" is some combination of digital scrapping and paper scrapping. So the fact that I printed out the finished pages and glued them to an old board book means I've learned to do something new and "hip" (ha!))

And the inside. (If you notice that you're not in here, that's because I didn't have pictures of you with the girls. So if you'd like to make it into the next book, you know what you need to do!)

And a few other pages I've made recently:

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