Friday, May 30, 2008

A couple new pages

Josh comes home soon and then it's the weekend!! I'm ready! I'm not sure why, but somehow the weekends are even more longed-for after shortened weeks. I'm sure it's all in my head!
My toe is slowly improving. As long as no one steps on it (like Jasmine did yesterday), it isn't hurting much now. I'm still trying to take it easy so it can heal, and it's still purple and swollen, but I can tell that it's getting better. Thank you, Lord!
Here are a couple layouts I've done in the past few days that I could finally post yesterday (one of the perks of being on the CT at thedigichick; I get access to the kits early, but can't post them until Thursday, when they are available for purchase).

(a side note: for anyone who knows that Dad and I don't usually mean 2 when we say "a couple," for once I meant it!!)

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