Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Dining Room Is Done!

Josh still has to put up the pullbacks for the curtains, but other than that, it's completely done. I'm so pleased!

Not a fantastic picture of the whole room, but you can see the mismatched chairs (we had a silly goal when we got them all, pre-marriage and in the first year afterwards, to spend $2.50 or less per chair. They worked, but it was time to change that). The wall color is fine, the same as the whole house...but not a ton of personality. And the curtains aren't all the same length (which we don't get. They should be; we bought them all together! maybe one or two shrunk in the dryer???)

And here's afterwards:

And the table, sans tablecloth:

So how'd we do? :)

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Love the new diningroom and the new header.