Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The end of an era

We have decided that our website,, has outlived its usefulness. We won't be renewing the domain.

It's sad, but it's time. I haven't updated it since shortly after we moved here. If I have anything new to say, I write about it here. When we started that site, I had no idea how much easier a blog would be (really, I didn't know what a blog was at that point!)

In other news, Jasmine and I made a project together. I got my hair trimmed a couple weeks ago, and she came and took pictures of the process. Since I had done that during her haircut, she thought this was a very cool idea. The pictures came out kinda drunk-on-the-run, but it's fun to see things from her perspective.

I put the pictures on the computer, and the next day she chose papers and frames she wanted for her box. She decided which pictures went in which frames, and I put it all together. After Josh printed it, I cut it out and let her glue the seam. A minute later, she was holding her very own popcorn box! (no, we haven't put popcorn in it yet).

We couldn't let her have ALL the fun, so we made one for Bekah, too. She chose her papers and frames, but they're pictures I took at the Strong Museum of Play the weekend before. They are both so proud!

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