Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bekah Day

I hereby decree today, March 31, 2011, to be Bekah Day.

1. What is Bekah Day?

Bekah day is a celebration of her having finished Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. She is now reading at a solid second-grade reading level. (and she turned 4  a month and a half ago).

2. What are we doing for Bekah Day?

We are making alphabet cut-out cookies and decorating them with red and blue frosting. Decorating the house in green and yellow, and probably huge letters all over the dining room.

3. I can hear you all asking, "but what can I do for Bekah Day?" 

If you want to be a part of Bekah's special day, leave her a comment here. Tell her how proud of her you are, and how much fun it is to read. She will love to read all your messages!!

The best part of all of this? She's discovered that reading is fun. She loves to grab a book from her shelf and start to read it. And that has actually made Jasmine more likely to pick a book up and read, as well. Since reading is one of my favorite things to do, it makes me so happy for her!

Happy Bekah Day!


Miss Nicole, Sofia, Maya and Emelia Religioso! said...

We are so proud of you!!!!!!!! This opens up new adventures for you!

Amy Turon said...

Congratulations Bekah! Reading is a lifelong journey that can take you anywhere you want to go. I'm so happy that you love to read.