Friday, August 24, 2007

MSG: the next TransFat?

(wow, three in one day? I guess that's to make up for my long absence!)

Josh and I were gradually eliminating MSG from our diets because it felt like a healthy thing to do. Then we discovered that, when he had no MSG, he had no headaches. This, after nearly daily bad headaches requiring Excedrin. So we decided it was not just a good idea, but it would be a lifestyle change.

Unfortunately, it's not just in Chinese food like most people (including me) believed. And it doesn't help to only look for MSG or monosodium glutamate in the ingredient lists. Food companies know that people are starting to realize it's not good for you, so they mask it with many other terms (you can see the lists here). Basically, most prepared foods are out of our diet now, including a lot of things we really enjoyed eating.

I'm starting to think it will go the way of trans fats over the next year or two, if the 700 Club, NewsMax and Mercola are any indication. And I'm excited to realize that we're actually ahead of the curve for once!
My only question is; will they try to get around it by putting in yeast extract and pretending leaving MSG off the label is sufficient? Or will people realize MSG by any other name still gives migraines??

We've been looking for "normal" foods that are still safe. So far here are a few I can think of off the top of my head:

Reece's Peanut Butter Cup
Hormel Natural Cold Cuts
Most tortilla chips (not Doritos though...just the non-extra-flavored chips)
Anything from Outback Steakhouse
(Olive Garden looks fine too!)

We've found a lot of other things that look okay, when we're in the "nature's market" section of the supermarket. I'll be adding this to our website soon, and will update the list as we find more things Josh can eat, in case there are others who want to join us in our quest for health!

(by the way, I updated the website a week or so ago, and forgot to post about it here. Go check it out!)

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