Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pregnant and trying to just enjoy every minute of it

According to the little ticker on the side of this blog, the baby now has elbows. How awesome is that???

It's good to focus on that, and not on the fact that I only (/still) have a few weeks to go before I'm in the second trimester.

I can't wait to get my energy back. I'm sure the girls can't wait, either. Not that I'm a run-around-and-dance kind of mom, but right now the most I can handle is sitting on the couch and letting them bring me books to read.

I can't wait to have my appetite back. I'm getting bizarre cravings....right now I'm fondly remembering some sort of a bruiscetta (I think I butchered the spelling of that) with portobello mushrooms and lots of parmesan. The funny thing is that I hate mushrooms, and the thought of one makes me turn one shade greener, but right now, the memory of that flavor is on my mind.

I'm sure Josh can't wait for me to get back to my "normal" self again (whatever that is). I miss cooking. I'm getting tired of the few things I have the energy and stomach to make.

But my baby's got elbows. And it's more important that I rest so that my body can nurture this baby so that s/he can be strong and perfect.

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