Friday, November 07, 2008

New Header!

I finally made a new blog header! Jasmine and Bekah love for me to take pictures of them in their Hawaiian garb, and I'm always happy to oblige!

I talked to a dear friend last night. She just had her second baby, and her two are almost exactly the same age span as my girls. We were talking about how different it is having the second, from having the first.
It really makes me wonder what I'm in for this time!!
I had it pretty easy in a lot of ways. Jasmine was still nursing when Bekah was born, so there was no resentment of the time her baby sister was getting. I had no discipline problems at that point. This time, neither girl is still nursing (Jasmine thinks she'll be allowed to nurse again when the baby's born, though I keep telling her otherwise). Hopefully the fact that I'm used to carrying around the nurseling will make things easier...I can still run around as needed while I'm nursing the baby. At least that's my hope right now!
And the girls are older. Bekah will be 2 years and 3 months, in contrast to Jasmine's 21 months. And she's already so much more independent than Jasmine is still. Jasmine needs to be with people, which is pretty foreign to me, the one who was happy spending hours in her room working on huge jigsaw puzzles.

Dad's words keep coming back to me; when he talks to people who are considering/pregnant with #4, he tells them that going from 2 kids to three is the hardest transition. I'm really trying not to think too much about that,'s really not what i want to think about!

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