Monday, December 22, 2008

Blizzard 2008

My friend in South Carolina invited us to come spend Christmas with her. At this point it's very tempting.

You'd really think I was used to this nasty, cold white stuff...but no.

I have a few pictures of what I can see from inside the house. I haven't been out since Thursday and wouldn't mind staying indoors until we leave for my midwife's appointment and then Christmas Eve celebration with my family on Wednesday. This is some of what I've seen or now see:
Like the angle of the snow? It was even more horizontal Sunday morning!!

The wind created a ramp on both sides of the fence to "jump" over its hurdle. It's a good 4 feet deep at its peak. There are piles by the side of the driveway that are close to Josh's height (i.e. 6 feet).

Yup, all the windows looked like this. On all sides of the house.

He did actually get out late this morning. I don't know how long it took him to shovel his car out, though!

And here's me today, at 23 weeks. Mom says I'm carrying differently this time around...I just know that I'm still out front, the way I always am!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Wow! Look at that snow!

You look great!