Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Giving up

I give up far too easily.
I've been realizing this the past few months, and last night's "Losing it with Jillian" made me realize it even more. It's not a good thing, and it's something I'm trying to tackle a little more aggressively.

And it's tough. Obviously, because it's when it gets hard that I want to quit.

You'd think, for someone who loves "finished" things as much as I do, that I'd choose to complete them instead of leaving them started and walking away.

I've recently started something new, something that I'm really hoping to follow through on. And not just because there's an awesome scripture that fits, or because I spent so much money on it to start it, but to prove to myself that I can do it, and for the joy of doing it.

Josh and I have started running!!
Now you have to realize what a huge thing this is for me. I was in decent shape in high school, thanks to ballet classes, but I still was absolutely dead by the end of the mile-run twice a year. I hated it. I could never imagine anyone choosing to do that.
And after college, one of my very best friends ran a marathon. For fun. I'm still in shock.
I have no plans to run a marathon, or even a half-marathon. But I do hope to run a 5K. I found a list of all the runs in this area for 2010 and have one picked out for the fall.

We're doing the Couch to 5K program. I've downloaded the first week's podcast of Christian Indie Music to run/walk to, and we've gone out twice so far. Third time will be either this evening or first thing tomorrow morning.

And the awesome thing is how good it feels to get out and move!! I hurt after the first day, but the second day hurt a lot less. And I love that we're doing something physical!!

Oh, and in case you're wondering how it works, we got jogging strollers (a single and a double) and take them with us so we can go together :) We run on the roads in the cemetery behind our house. Peaceful, smooth, and lovely. No traffic, nothing. Perfect!

So writing this is, in part, one more way to be sure I don't give up on this. I'm telling the world that it's what we're doing, and it will make it that much more important for me to keep doing it!!


Posegates said...

You go girl! You can do it! I haven't been running in quite awhile and I actually started to miss it lately. I'm super impressed that you've taken this on with three kids! Running was a pre-kids thing. :)

Good luck!

Benjamin said...

Of course, I can relate to loving to just get out and MOVE. It's always been relaxing (except maybe the first couple of weeks) to get into the repetition of the "steps" while running, and I always feel a lot better when I'm done. That's why I like to run in the morning (and it's cool in the summer!)

Also, don't be surprised if after you do the 5k you want to go onto longer races, more running. It gets almost addictive, but in a good way, and you always want to get out and run more.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!