Wednesday, June 02, 2010

My Father's World

It's been a long time since I updated. To make up for it, here are a couple recent pictures:

Jasmine has decided the past few weeks that she wanted to start going to school. Of course, that's because she just sees the playgrounds at schools and doesn't realize how little time kindergarteners spend in recess!
So we ordered the curriculum for kindergarten from My Father's World, and we got an extra set of student materials so that Bekah could do it with her.
They're loving it! They know their Bible verse ("Jesus is the light of the world") and a little bit about the sun. They're reviewing their letters, which is very much review since they're both doing a great job reading already. Jasmine's reading anything she sees and Bekah's sounding things out (not quite at the success as her sister because she's only halfway through the reading book).
Yesterday Jasmine was sick and complaining about her throat, so I had Josh take her in for a throat culture (negative; it was just a stomach bug that's gone now). She told the medical student that she was learning about the sun and the letter S, and that she was learning "tindergarten." This morning she told the guys delivering our new dishwasher that she was learning "my Father's world."
I love that she's enjoying it so much! It's the first thing they ask for in the morning.
I'm praying the joy and excitement continues!!

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