Friday, November 05, 2010

Some kiddo funnies

The girls are cracking me up today.

Here are a few morsels:

Jasmine: visit w w w to go to our website
Bekah: oooh! .....what's a website?

Jasmine: don't go to a Leapster "dot com"
Bekah: why not?
Jasmine: because it will break your computer.

Jasmine: Hi Thomas
Bekah: I'm not Thomas. I'm Percy
See? I have green paint
Jasmine: you can't be Percy. You're not very splendid!
(she has no idea what "splendid" means

Bekah's dinosaur's little monologue: " I have peace, patience, kindness, goodness,, I don't have thankfulness. I'm a bad dinosaur."

1 comment:

Amy Turon said...

These crack me up too!! How precious. I'm so glad that you are recording these moments because they are treasures and trust me, you will so enjoy reading these again in 20 years!