Thursday, July 07, 2011

A list

1. Yesterday I started planning a bit of a detour in school. Between "ancient history" and "medieval times," we're adding in a week to look at Byzantine Turkey.

2. Suddenly this week can't end soon enough.

3. I found all my Turkish pillows and scarves. The girls are so excited.
I told them to look "happy without smiling." That's tough for them. For me, too. 
Turks aren't big into the grins we Americans give to the camera. 

4. The next week of scheduled school has us making a mosque as the hideaway. So we're one-upping them. This coming week, we're creating Aya Sofya as a Byzantine church, and the following week we'll convert it to a mosque, complete with white-washing the mosaics on the walls.

5. Is it Monday yet?

6.We're also having a Turkish Open House, inviting people to stop by and taste Turkish food (lots of eggplant and yogurt are on the grocery list now) and see their creation.

7. The girls have already learned how to welcome guests appropriately.

8. If you've never been kiss-kissed by a four-year-old, you're missing out.

9. Last night we had thunder and blue skies for a half hour. The clouds finally came overhead.
10. The dark clouds weren't quite this dark. I over-photoshopped it.

11. Whoops.

13. I can't count.

14. Did I tell you I'm a finalist in a photography contest? More details will be coming in the next couple weeks. Warning you in advance that I may be begging for votes.

15. It's time to go. Bekah's asking me to translate everything into Turkish. Talk about a mental's been 10 years since I moved back!

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