Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Keeping up

I'm not doing a good job keeping up with this blog.
Or life in general.
I'm not complaining. I enjoy it when things are busy, and I tend to be more efficient when I have to get things accomplished. But it means things slip through the cracks.
(which is a much nicer thing to say than "I still procrastinate like crazy").

This morning I did a small photo shoot (pictures of the office staff), so I used my kids to make sure my camera settings were right.

School's going really well. We've just changed our spelling curriculum to "All About Spelling." We've only done one day so I won't say much, but they both did great and it looks like something that will teach them well and that they'll enjoy.
I love that they're doing a couple workbooks this year. I know it's consistent, and they know what to expect, and neither of them mind it. Jasmine still doesn't want to do much writing, but she's okay with how much is expected of her.

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