Saturday, October 28, 2006

Updates about everything!

I have exciting news in my scrapping life: Liddy's Loft is opening back up, to a more limited extent, and I am starting to sell there. Holley is keeping things simple and hopefully non-stressful, since her life has been getting busier :)

Josh, Jasmine and I had an appointment with our family doctor on Thursday. Jasmine is perfect, which we already knew. The doctor was pretty sure we were right in our diagnosis...we both likely fractured our sternum from the seatbelt. Thankfully, it isn't slowing down the healing when Jasmine puts her weight on my sore chest, it just makes it hurt more. He said it's usually better in 6-8 weeks. That's a long time! But it was nice to know that we will recover without any more hospital visits or strange braces, just patience, prayer and some added calcium :)

Jasmine needs some mommy time, so I guess that will do for now :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh - yuck! That SOUNDS painful! Take care of yourselves!!!