Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday

My grandpa always called today "Amateur's Day" because the "amateur shoppers" would go out shopping. We used to go hang out at the mall, collect a couple things at awesome prices, but mostly just gawk at the number of people running around.

Josh and I went to Best Buy with my sister Vivian two years ago, not when the stores opened, but just in the afternoon. I couldn't believe how long the line was...thankfully it was moving, or we might still be there.

Last year we avoided it altogether, because it just wasn't worth it, now that we had Jasmine. And we planned on doing the same thing this year.

But then we were looking through the Wal-Mart ads, and realized they would make awesome Christmas he got up at 4:30 and went! He was home by 6, completely successful :) He went out again at almost 8 to see if Best Buy still had the camcorder we had been looking at...nope. But he got a few more presents, so though we have a limited budget for Christmas this year, these made for great presents.

So I think I should stop saying we won't go out on Black Friday, since we don't have a very good track record for actually doing that :)

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