Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to SorrySuaSore

This is Jasmine's newest thing. She picks up anything that looks like a microphone and says: "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to SorrySuaSore." We have no idea what it is she's welcoming us to. Sometimes she says "50 dollars" after all that, sometimes other things. But we feel very welcome there!

My poor sweetie is sick today. Hopefully she's feeling better now...praying it's just something she ate and not a tummy bug.

Bekah started signing "happy" this morning. I love it! She's learning new words every day, just with her hands instead of her mouth. She did say "more" yesterday, so she's adding that as well.

I've been sadly amiss at posting layouts lately, and I have big news that I completely missed writing here!
I was asked to join another Creative Team. Her name is Krista and her stuff is just beautiful. She puts out kits so fast...thankfully she doesn't ask that we use them all because I could never keep up! I love what I've done so far though. Here are the layouts I've made with her things (one of them I think I posted once, but I'll post it again so all her kits are all together :) )

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Congrats on the new CT gig! Cute layouts - your girls are adorable.