Monday, March 03, 2008

New Word, and New Bed

Bekah started imitating my signs today. She signed "more" and "please." Here's her interpretation of "more":

For those who don't know sign language, this is pretty close to the real thing :)

And their bed came today. It's their big birthday present from Josh's parents, and is presently set up as a toddler bed size, but when they get bigger it can become a twin. We're nervous about this whole moving-them-out-of-our-bed, mostly because all transitions take some time to adjust to. Hopefully this will go well and we'll soon be sleeping, safe and sound, in our own beds. I think it will help Bekah sleep more soundly, not having her favorite 24-hour milk bar available, which means I'll be sleeping much more restfully too!

Here's the bed and what the room looks like now.

This dresser was given to us over the weekend by a friend of Josh's grandma's. We'd been talking about needing one for her since she's outgrowing the chifferobe, so this was a huge blessing!

The dresser in the corner is Jasmine's now. It was mine, given to me when I was 7. And the spring horse is identical to the one we had when I was little, which is fun!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Good luck with the transition to the new bed! It looks like they have a nice little playplace for themselves :)