Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas in Stories and Pictures

First, a few precious morsels:

Talking to Jasmine, after church
Me: Did you sing?
Jasmine: No, I was being a little bit cute.

And a few minutes later
Jasmine: can we listen to more songs?
Me: I'm sorry, we're done singing now.
Jasmine: NO! I want to listen to more songs!

Christmas day, after lunch
Jasmine met Josh coming downstairs
Jasmine: Fank you, LORD.
Josh: for what?
Jasmine: for you!

Can you recognize this song?
dat day de Christmas
long time de me
pantry de de pantry

Posing for whoever had the camera at that moment (my brothers all wanted to give it a spin!)

Enjoying the church service:

My Christmas Dress (a splurge):

Josh in his Christmas Finery (a washable leather shirt!!)

Christmas Breakfast (scrambled eggs and bacon, mom's delicious breakfast bread):

Opening her present from Jasmine (a Veggie Tales memory-type game):

Helping daddy open his present:

In theory, our new Christmas jammies are a Christmas Eve present. But Bekah fell asleep before the church service ended, so we waited 'til Christmas evening instead.

(answer to the song Jasmine's been singing: The Twelve Days of Christmas (she only sings the first day, though))


ChloƩ said...

OMGosh, how terribly cute! Love the stories!!

Stacy said...

So cute! Love the pictures and you look great!

TheBurkes said...

I just found your website tonight (through the Digichick website) and really love it. Congrats on the upcoming baby boy, btw .. you will enjoy the new addition. I am a SAM to a 4 yo boy and love every minutes of it. Don't have a girl (yet) so my life is all about planes, cars, trucks, bugs, dirt. Your older girls will love having a little boy who is full of life and adventure! ;-)