Friday, April 17, 2009

Hudson Tyler!

I'm very sorry to everyone who is hearing about it here first. I've done a mediocre job (at best) of telling people about it the right way!

Hudson Tyler was born Wednesday night at 11:27 p.m. (his birthday should be nice and easy to remember; TAX DAY!) He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and is 21 inches long. He's very sweet-natured and doesn't seem to be bothered by much of anything. We're praying that sticks...I'd love an easy baby!

Lounging under the heat lamp after his bath (think we might have a redhead??)

Twelve hours old:

Bekah meeting him for the first time; not quite sure what she thinks:

Getting more comfortable with him (they started stroking his arm after this picture):

Jasmine "holding" him:

We'll have to watch her carefully. for the past few weeks she's told me she'd carry him. Ummm, no thank you! All the way home that night, she said, "Hudson's my favorite" so I think she approves. She had been saying that about Josh before, but I think Josh feels okay about being replaced.

Oh, and we're home now (which is why I'm writing this, since I couldn't get online there).


Karen said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful.
I'll pray for lots of rest and an easy transition for everyone!

Alice said...

Aw, congratulations! He is really really beautiful! His complexion is lovely!

Enni said...

Congratulations!! You have beautiful children and you do lovely layouts.