Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Little Girl Funnies

The girls have been very entertaining lately. Actually, they always are entertaining, but lately they've said/done things that really made me laugh.

Every time Bekah hears me sigh (which is a lot, since I feel like I'm always catching my breath/breathing through contractions), she asks "are you happy?" and yesterday followed up with, "can I see a smile?" :)

Yesterday Jasmine told me Hudson had been in my tummy "again and again and again and again." I guess this pregnancy has been long for all of us!

Bekah asked me yesterday to brush her hair. I did, and said, "you look beautiful." She replied, "I'm not beautiful. I'm perfect."

And Jasmine saw this picture:
And asked, "is that your family??"


Anonymous said...

Adorable! Precious!

Karen said...

You know...
I think I see a Goodberry in there somewhere!