Saturday, April 25, 2009

Starting Over

When Bekah was born, Jasmine was very young. She was 22 months old, still nursing, talking in single-word sentences, and still very high-needs. So in a lot of ways, the girls have been growing up together.
When Hudson came, Bekah was much more independent (as well as verbal). She thinks she's Jasmine's twin, keeping up with her in almost every way. So having a newborn in the house again is a completely different experience.
It was hard to go from one to two. I'm not sure I can say yet how it is going from 2 to 3, since Josh is still home helping out (i.e. doing everything). I'll decide that in the weeks and months to come.
The addition of Hudson has changed things in millions of ways. Some big (like going back to sharing the bed with a baby, and having to be ready to nurse/change him at the drop of a hat). Some small, like remembering to have plenty of diapers in the bedroom so I'm not making trips downstairs at 3 a.m.
And I feel like I'm learning everything all over again. A little of it truly is new (namely how to change a baby boy and the excitement that involves) but most of it, I've just put far behind me.
But this time, I'm going into it with a completely different mindset. Knowing he's our last, I'm really savoring moments I might not have even noticed with the girls (the way mom kept telling me to do during my seemingly 25-month pregnancy) I'm looking forward to when his umbilical cord falls off, because it's so hard to make sure nothing's hurting it (his has lasted longer than the girls' did), but otherwise, I'm just enjoying the moment.
I know that I'll be able to sleep on my tummy again in a year or two (since right now he's next to me, I sleep on my side with a leg pillow, so I don't have to worry about rolling onto him...mostly to keep from nightmares of doing that). I know that I'll sleep through the night in a couple years. And that doesn't seem that hard to handle.
It helps, he's definitely our easiest baby. By a long shot. (Bekah wasn't too hard, but Hudson's still definitely got her beat) He likes to be in someone's arms rather than in his bassinet or cradle, but he sleeps well and rarely cries. I'm getting more sleep each night as he sleeps for slightly longer stretches, which definitely helps my outlook.
And I feel like me again. I was so completely emotional this whole pregnancy. I felt like I was being dragged by a roller coaster this whole time, unable to stop the tears and frustrations that kept coming. I'm back to being calm and happy, and that is such a wonderful when you really feel good after being sick, it's so exciting to see me in the things I say and do!

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