Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fisher-Price: All products are available!!

I'm so excited!! All four products are on the website now! Of course that means we have to start looking at the stores....

For anyone who missed (or forgets) the back story, Fisher-Price's offices are nearby, so we sent pictures of each of the kids to them. Hudson was chosen 4 times (actually 5 but the 5th was a day that we were already doing things), and all four products are now available on FP's website. I'm not sure how much longer before they're available in stores, but at least I can show these off!

First there's the mobile. It's really hard to tell (even for me!) if that baby on the website is me, but that's the color onesie he's wearing. I'm thinking it will be at Target since they currently carry Precious Planet mobile and they (and Wal-Mart) tend to stay consistent in what "lines" they carry. But the one at the stores now (the Projection mobile) isn't him. Nor is the one with leaves on it.

Secondly, there's the open-top swing. That's definitely not him. He was wearing a green onesie, I think. I don't remember much about that shoot, other than how hard it was to keep the swing still when he kicked!! He was happy for it, but that's about all I remember.

Then there's the bouncy chair. This was the first shoot, and they wanted a sleeping baby. He didn't sleep very soundly, and they only got one shot of him asleep, so I'm not sure if they could use it. He's wearing a blue onesie in this one.

And the final picture: the Space-Saver high chair. The picture of the woman in green feeding him a bottle (ptooy) is him!!! I was pretty sure he'd be on this one, since they commented that he gave them the best pictures they got of that shot!

So if you happen to go to Target, WalMart, KMart, Babys R Us or anywhere else that carries Fisher-Price baby things, I'd love it if you wanted to see if he's on the packaging there! I can't wait to see him in the store

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