I found this layout I made last January. One of my last layouts (I stopped scrapping shortly after that. And no, I don't miss it. I'm a purist and would rather let the pictures tell the story without adding papers and embellishments. At least that's my goal.)
Let's recap my successes, shall we?
1. Obviously didn't happen (see intro).
2. She is reading. Fluently. At a second-grade level. Not bad, since she won't be 6 'til May! I'm so proud of her.
3. I did this. I had pictures that were serious competition...one tied for "best picture in this category." I'm thrilled!
4. I'm working on this one still. It's pretty engrained in me. I'm improving bit by bit, though.
5. I'm not really sure what I meant by this one. I think we've done that, in that we're in better shape overall. We still spend more than we ought to on things like eating out, but we're learning.
6. Oh yeah, I did this one! I discovered Pioneer Woman
7. I fell off the wagon on Facebook games for a couple months. They ruled my life during the summer, when I should have been outside....ha. That's funny. I don't go outside if I can help it, even when there isn't a foot of snow out there! But I shouldn't have played those games. I've recommitted to staying away and have done well for a few months now.
8. This, on the other hand, is worse than a year ago. I don't know if we have too much clutter, too small a house, or if I just need to prioritize better. I think it's A and C, though I like to blame it on B because then I don't have to do anything about it but whine and complain. I'm good at that.
9. I'm not sure I did this the whole year, but I have a huge collection of pictures for 2010, and there are some that I really like.
10. Last 6 pounds are gone, but I haven't done much in the way of exercising.
So What about 2011??
1. Improve my photography. Learn new techniques, and get out there and practice.
I'm a part of a weekly challenge with a theme we have to shoot that week, and we'll have the chance to give and get feedback so we can improve.
2. Get at least a dozen pictures on etsy for sale. and hopefully actually sell a couple.
3. Declutter and get this house in a state where it *can* be kept more orderly on a regular basis.
4. Potty-train Hudson, if he's ready.
5. Teach Bekah to read. She's already most of the way there, but she's lost interest. I told her when she's 4 we'll start working on it again.
6. Blog regularly.
7. Do at least one random act of kindness each season. I have no idea what I'll do, or for whom, but I'm excited about the idea.
8. Do stomach exercises regularly and get my muscles in shape.
9. Choose a curriculum for Jasmine for 1st grade, and let the school know she exists and get the paperwork all set for being her official teacher!
10. --to be determined--