Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hi! My Name Is Charla

Don't you love those "all about me" surveys?
I've always loved them. I love trying to come up with clever answers, hearing unusual questions, and just basic self-disclosure.
And since I'm feeling a little insecure today, I thought I'd share!

1. I love lists.
2. And bullet points.
3. And paragraphs. I won't read long, rambly paragraphs. Not in books, and not online.
4. I don't like letting people down.
5. But I do it more than I care to admit.
(this photo has nothing to do with what I'm writing, but I know I keep reading when there are pictures)

6. I love coffee.
7. I never drink tea, though my sweet Southern friend got me hooked on sweet tea.
8. I'm not particularly worried about what other people think of me.
9. But very worried about how my words/actions affect them. Too worried, I think. (see #4)
10. I take my role as oldest child seriously, even at 34. I'm a natural mother hen.
11. I love the Apostle Paul. I love that he tried to be "all things to all people," even going so far as to call himself Paul instead of Saul because he knew that Saul meant something negative in the languages he was sharing the gospel with.
12. I hate that it's taught that he had a name change with his conversion like Abram and Sarai did. It's wrong and the truth is SO much more meaningful.
13. I love to talk about Jesus, and to talk with like-minded people about politics, but I detest debates. I find them pointless at best. And I don't think Facebook is the place to post about either of those things.
14. At least as bad as debates are forwards or Facebook "reposts."
15. I hate knowing about something but not being able to find it.
16. My coffee pot just told me it's ready, so I guess it's a good place to stop!
Thanks for letting me share!


Heidi Mixon said...

I think you are pretty awesome they way you are! you've got lots of good qualities...GIRLFRIEND!

Charla said...

Thanks, GIRLFRIEND!! That means SO much to me :D