Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Confessions

1. I pronounce "longevity" longetivity. I guess long life has something to do with longitude.

2. I'm allergic to cats and don't enjoy their company, but signs for free kittens make me want to stop and pick one up.

3. but Josh would send me to the psych ward so I keep driving.

4. I forget things a lot.

5. I'm really bad at finishing things.

6. Which is funny, since finishing things is a bit of a passion/driving force in my life.

7. Part of why I don't finish is that I forget what I was doing.

8. I am always afraid of letting people down. Not doing things I told them I'd do.

9. Or forgetting something I've told them I'll do/give them/bring somewhere.

10. I wish it was as easy to upgrade human memory as it is for computers. or as hard as it's supposed to be. Right, Josh?
11. I was NEVER that cool. Not in the 80s, and not now! But it's fun to pretend!

Happy weekend!


Michele said...

I love that picture of you!

Charla said...

Thanks! I do too! I wish I had more opportunity to dress that way. Maybe for Halloween ;)