Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pictures of Letchworth

Pioneer Woman wrote a few weeks ago about a photo shoot that wasn't.
I had the same thing happen...well, it happened differently, but with the same results.

We went to Letchworth State Park on Sunday. The weather was absolutely perfect. (well, on the cold side of perfect). I got family pictures in front of the waterfall, with a rainbow behind our heads.

I wasn't completely thrilled with the picture because I'd forgotten to hide my hand with the remote in it (which is kinda sorta the reason I had it on "Remote Plus Timer" to give me time to hide that hand) and we were all squinting from the sun. But it was still good and I was planning to use it as our Christmas pictures.

I'd love to say that's why I'm not showing it here...to keep it a surprise.

But unfortunately, I can't show it. It's gone.

I put the memory card in the computer, hit "import," and walked away. And either I touched something, or Josh did, and it made it stop importing.
I came back an hour later, grabbed the card from the computer without looking first, put it in my camera, formatted, and then sat down at the computer.

Only to find out that something had stopped the import.

So no Christmas pictures from Letchworth. No adorable pictures of the kids throwing leaves on their heads. No video of Hudson throwing leaves at Josh.

Just a lesson. And I must say a good one to have gotten from that day and not the evening before, when I took pictures of Josh's sister and her husband!
So here's a picture from that.

1 comment:

Amy Turon said...

Charlene, the pictures are right there in your heart - forever!