Monday, July 23, 2012

Cute Stories, edition 2903

1. Josh was dishing out ice cream for the kids. Hudson said, "I don't want a lot!" and had him put some back.

2. Jasmine told me tonight she'd like to be a "teacher in a school" when she grows up. She asked how old you had to be to teach, and I told her 22. But then I told her she could graduate at 17 if she wanted, so she could start teaching at 21, and she said, "it would be my prize!!"
I asked what she wanted to teach, and she said:
"I'll teach little kids math, and a little bit older kids I'll teach science, and to bigger kids, I'll teach spelling!"

(I should mention that this is the same child who fought me, tooth and nail, to try to get out of spelling today, and who asked me a month ago why we had to learn math.)

3. We've started (very gradually) to start learning Spanish. I need something more official so we can all really learn it, but at this point they watch a DVD about all things related to waking up in the morning.
Jasmine told me she'll start going up to someone and saying "hola" to them, to see if they speak Spanish. If they don't answer, she'll know they speak English.
I can't get through to her that it's not the best way to go about it, but in her mind, it's foolproof!

4. Jasmine keeps calling the gusts of wind "turning into a gal." (It's not a gale. it's a softer a). Tonight she  told me she hoped it wouldn't turn into a ....ready for this?? ...a "Galilee." I think someone has her stories jumbled!

1 comment:

ChloƩ said...

Hehehehe, those are so adorable!