Friday, November 30, 2007

Double Date

Last night, Josh and I went on a double-date with Charity and Leo (his sister and brother-in-law). We went to Moe's for dinner and then to a pottery-painting place. It was so much fun! This is the second time we went, the first being when Jasmine was 7 months old, with her in tow. This was much more relaxing :) Charity made an ornament for Jasmine the first year and decided that it would become a tradition, and when Jasmine's older she'll take her to paint ornaments each year. Isn't that fun?

I took a bunch of pictures as we painted. I can't wait to see the finished products; they always look so much better fired! Mine will look nothing at all like it did last night because I used a special paint that comes out in two colors after it's fired; I'm not sure why it looks red now, though.

Josh made a toothbrush holder:
My paint:
First coat:


They'll be done next Thursday. Remind me, if I forget, to post "after" pictures :)

I'm going to be doing a "daily photo challenge" with Val, and I'm hoping to be good about posting those pictures here. Can't promise, though :)

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