Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our Week, in Pictures

Next on my list is to get videos of Bekah walking, and of the girls singing with me. But for now:
getting ready to decorate

Jasmine was so excited to wear "Daddy's Christmas Hat"
just a tad big!

and again with the hat!

Bekah, helping decorate

Josh, being a lot more helpful

Jasmine loved putting up ornaments, though most ended up on the same branch!
Josh's favorite ornament

Giving her sister some "suggles"

Thanksgiving at my family's house, Jasmine doing Karaoke with her Aunt Vivi

and with Jacob

and me


Loves the tree!

Ever had a Chinese Grapefruit? Josh and I thought it was a little weird for our taste, but Jasmine loved it!

Just because Halloween is over doesn't mean we can't enjoy the costumes! Every time she puts it on she wants us to take more pictures of her in it. What a cutie!

A Jasmine tidbit:
Josh brought home more Pull-ups. Jasmine saw the bag and said, "What's that? Upadupts? Oh boy. Fanks!" :D


Angelina Schwarz said...

How cute! Fun pics. I need to do some like that for us. Loving Jasmine's "fanks". Meg says "Sanks". TOO cute!

Amy Turon said...

Charlene, how wonderful your pictures are. Your girls are so beautiful -- it brings back such warm memories of my own little girls when they were that age. Keep the pictures coming because we love them.