Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I've been neglectin this blog...

I was worried that would happen!

Here's today's picture for my "photo a day" challenge.
Isn't she gorgeous?! I know I'm partial, but she really is beautiful.
Jasmine decided to wear her Yankees shirt today so I put Bekah in hers as well, and then decided I'd wear my jersey! So, on top of the gorgeous weather, we're pretending it's not still January, but could be baseball season! (it's 65 out right now. Crazy!)

I'm working on layouts for the Creating Keepsakes' Hall of Fame contest. No, I don't really think I'm at the level to consider myself a real competitor, but it's a fantastic push for me. I've made 3 layouts and am working on another three (ten are required for it). So my "best" layouts (I hope) and pictures are all under wraps for who-knows-how-long. It's hard to keep those to myself, but it's worth it. I'm having fun and am excited to find that I'm getting more creative outside-the-box ideas than I ever thought I could have! (I think this is one of those talents like in the Parable of the Talents, where it's not there at first but is around now!)

Oh. This is a tangent, but it's something I've pondered for awhile now. I know God blessed me with my music, and the ability to learn languages. So I studied music for 13 years. I studied and spoke Turkish for 2+ years. But now that I'm not around Turkish people, and not in a position to play, those talents are kind of by the wayside. Instead I'm focusing on learning to be a better mommy, hopefully a more organized, less cluttered one, and stretching my creativity (and flexibility). So is it okay to let those first ones kind of relax? Is it okay that I've forgotten most of the Turkish I knew and my clarinetting is, uh, very rusty? Or does God hope we keep those original talents fresh?

1 comment:

Alice said...

Hey, Charlene!

I'm reading a great book by Edith Schaeffer that you might be interested in. It is called The Hidden Art of Homemaking, and is all about using the talents that God has given you in your everyday life. You can find more out about it on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Art-Homemaking-Edith-Schaeffer/dp/0842313982

Thanks for posting! I always enjoy reading what you wrote and seeing pictures of your adorable girls!