Saturday, June 27, 2009

The rest of the week

I know the vacation week isn't completely over, but that doesn't mean it's not a good time to catch up on my pictures!

Tuesday morning we went to the outlet mall and to Niagara Falls. I didn't go to see the Falls, though, because Hudson needed some out-of-the-Moby snuggle time. But he was fine again when we went to the zoo for the Members Appreciation Night!

feeding the giraffe...the girls weren't afraid to get right up there!

and free carousel rides are always welcome :D

Thursday we met my friend Joanna and her two beautiful girls at Strong Museum of Play.

Yesterday we went to African Lion Safari! The lens I used doesn't have zoom, so that tells you how close we get to the animals :)

Jasmine couldn't wait to see the "niroscerous."This ostrich thought we'd give him food through the closed window. He kept tapping his beak against the window and then chewing.
We almost hit one of the zebras with the rearview mirror; that's how close they were! No fear!
We had a baboon on our car, too, but the pictures didn't come out well because of the windows in the way. We're just thankful that no baby baboons came up, because they're the ones that do all the damage. We saw one pulling off trim from the minivan in front of us, so we didn't stop at that point!

We also rode a little train around another area of the park and saw quieter animals (llamas, turtles, reindeer...)


And then today we hit the garage sales. Here's some of our loot!
We also got a little bike for Jasmine with training wheels, a bunch of clothes for her, crowns for both girls, and a doorknob for dad!

1 comment:

Amy Turon said...

Am loving your vacation pictures. You have a lot of great pics there! Maybe photography might be a career possibility for you "on the side". Of course, being mommy is career #1.