Thursday, June 04, 2009

Song Impressions

I listen to Air1. They're incredible. Awesome, fun music. They're not afraid of talking about how Jesus actually affects their lives. I love the DJs and follow most of them on Twitter.

But there are a few songs I just don't quite "get."

And no, I won't name names. Because I'm sure people would disagree with me...but that's why I'm writing in my I'm allowed to have my own opinion!

There's the "I'm too bored to move my lips on this song." It doesn't help that it has no melody in the chorus. The same two notes for the whole thing. (maybe they were eating ice cream first, so their lips were actually too numb to work right).

Then there's one that I keep hearing how awesome it is. The lyrics really are incredible. Powerful. Awesome. But I think he needs to hire a new melody-writer, because the song does not have a melody. I usually turn off the radio (i.e. close the tab) for that song. It just irritates me, and then I feel guilty for not listening since the lyrics really are so awesome.

The rest of the other songs, I love. I've gotten hooked on some new bands (Addison Road and Downhere) and a whole bunch of incredible songs. It's just those two...

And totally unrelated, here's my new layout for my Vacation Mini-Album challenge!

1 comment:

Amy Turon said...

Charlene, have you tried listening to music on Pandora? Check it out. Now I only listen to my Pandora stations all day long. I think you might really like it.