Sunday, June 14, 2009

Two Months?!

It's crazy to realize that Hudson was born two months ago tomorrow. He's such a part of our lives, I can't picture life without him. But at the same time, how is it possible that his birth was two whole months ago?

He is so sweet-natured and easy. He loves to watch the world go by, doesn't mind the girls "looking at" him (which means trying to hold him, with my help), and he is by far my best sleeper. I am so thankful for him. He brings me so much joy each day. I can't believe God loved me enough to give me this child to nurture.
Mom and I were talking yesterday about "to whom much is given, much is required." I guess that means He's requiring a lot of me, because he has blessed me with three healthy, bright, beautiful children. I just hope I'm up to it!

Here are a few pictures I got this afternoon. I still haven't gotten a big smile picture, but hopefully that will happen soon!

I'm two months? Already??
this one started out as an "oops" but ended up being my favorite shot:

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