Friday, September 11, 2009

Celebratory Ice Cream

When Jasmine got her cast off (1 1/2 weeks ago now), we told her that when she walked across the room, we would celebrate by going out to ice cream.
Last night she took her first steps, and today she's taken off. She's climbing up and down the ladder to her bunk bed. She played outside briefly. And she is so proud of herself.
She's taking very small steps, which means it doesn't take long before she gets very tired. I remember that feeling very well from when I was re-learning to walk in 5th grade. She has another physical therapy appointment tomorrow morning, so he can help give us ideas of how to help that along. Obviously she's getting it, though!
So tonight after dinner, we went to Friendly's for ice cream.
Hudson fell asleep in my arms before we'd even ordered, and didn't wake up until I had to run Bekah to the bathroom. The girls got "vol-cone-o" sundaes, the replacement for the conehead sundaes, I guess. You get to put the toppings on yourself (or have your daddy do it if you're still on the young side).

And then we all enjoyed:

Unfortunately it puts me back a bit in the fitting-into-my-jeans goal I've given myself, but since we haven't had any sweets around the house (or gone out for any) in 2 or 3 weeks, I figure I can likely splurge!

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