Monday, September 14, 2009

A First!

No, not Hudson this time.
Yesterday, I did a photo shoot for people I'm not related to! Julie was a clarinet buddy in high school, but we kinda lost touch since then. But thanks to Facebook, we reconnected, and she asked if I'd do pictures of her family.
I have to say: doing whole-family shots is a TON more stressful for me than getting one or two people in a picture. There's a lot more planning on my part. Which is why I don't take any of our whole crew, either! (I have a tripod and remote, so I have the capability to do it for my family) But since I took 600 pictures, I did get a bunch that I'm pleased with.
Here are a few of my favorites.

They were fantastic to work with, it was SO good to see Julie again, and I loved meeting her wonderful family :) Thanks, guys!

1 comment:

julieopalecky said...

We had a lot of fun!