Thursday, October 28, 2010

80 percent

I read a couple years ago that most people work at about 80% of their ability. That that's really all it takes to succeed. Doing that extra 20% really doesn't affect the likelihood of changing a failure to a success, and most people realize this.
Or so I've been told.
I definitely have existed at that 80% mark. And done well at it. I graduated in the top 20 in my class, was in National Honor Society, got plenty of academic and music scholarships, and gave the appearance of being a hard worker.
Though my teachers all knew better. I was looking through my old report cards, and a very consistent comment was that I could try harder, apply myself more, or do better with extra effort. But why bother? I still obviously did well.
Lately I've gotten more slack. I need to get back up to that 80% mark. Right now I think I'm at about 60%. I'm getting the minimum done, but not much more than that.
I just need some motivation. Guilt doesn't cut it. Without tests/grades/deadlines, it's easy to just procrastinate indefinitely.
My photography is just about the only thing I'm giving enough attention to. I'm really not sure how to change this, because I don't like that I'm so lazy and unmotivated.
But I figure admitting it will hopefully be a good start to making a change. Proving to myself that this isn't true, or something.

And now to close with an unrelated picture of what I saw from my house this morning:


Unknown said...'re so cute Charla! I completely understand the procrastination. I do not have the self control to force myself to do things when they can just get done later. I do much better when I'm graded or have deadlines. Why is that? Go forth and research, report back here tomorrow with the answer :P I'd do it myself but I'm just too lazy LOL!

Charla said...

hilarious, Ann!! Thanks :)