Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sabrina Complex

When I came back to live in the States after two years in Turkey, I had a serious Sabrina Complex. No, I've never heard it called that by anyone else, but anyone who has seen either version of the movie Sabrina knows exactly what I'm talking about.
I came home with very (very!) short blonde hair, a rather fitted top and platform sandals. Anyone who knows how I usually look and dress knows what a drastic departure this was.

The funny thing was how little I dressed that way when I was there. I had cut my hair in the winter and dyed it for the first time in probably April, but the clothes were all brand new.
I just wanted to look like I felt inside.
Which was someone who had "outgrown" her old life.
Who was metropolitan. Who knew how to hail a cab in another language.

Little did I realize how insignificant that really was.

Not that life in Turkey wasn't life-changing, or wonderful, or anything else. But it didn't mean I was "too good" for life state-side. Or that I couldn't ever fit in American life again.
I really could have adjusted to life here more quickly than I did. I made myself miserable. I'm very sure I didn't make life easy for mom or the rest of the family. I moped. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and really didn't feel like figuring it out.
I'm so glad they put up with me and I finally straightened back out.
and I'm glad Josh didn't meet me until I'd straightened out, or I don't think he would have even given me a second date, let alone married me!!

Good thing God has a sense of humor and gives us a second chance!

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