Isn't she the cutest? She just loves playing peekaboo, especially with Daddy. Makes my heart completely melt to watch! Text reads: Jasmine loves to play peekaboo, especially with Daddy. She thinks it’s the funniest game, and it gets funnier, the longer they play it.
Credits: Papers and staples from Dare To Dream kit from 3 scrapateers.
Fonts: Susie's Hand, Felix Titling
In non-scrapping news, winter has returned to our neck of the woods. I'm refusing to let myself believe that winter has been unpleasant (it's so easy to forget the past when it changes so drastically). According to our heating bill, the average for January was 13 degrees higher than last year (35 up from 22!) Wow. I'm really hoping we don't pay for that in February, March and/or April!
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