Monday, February 06, 2006


Josh and I are dog lovers. We want two dogs, a Schnoodle and something else. We'll name the Schnoodle Mr. Schnerdly, and the other dog will be Jewett Holmwood. Aren't you glad Jasmine has such a nice, normal name?

My family has a dog, Buffy. Kenny and I bought him, paid for his vet bills for the first few years ('til we moved out), and took him to obedience training. He's not the brightest dog around, but he's sweet. A cockapoo, he looks more like a cocker spaniel than a poodle. His only weakness is his barking. He thinks he protects the house with his vicious bark. (eye rolly guy here) He is so devoted to the family, and so gentle around babies, that he's (usually) forgiven for his barking. Jasmine can grab a handful of fur (before I catch her) and he'll just sit there, sometimes whimpering but never dreaming of doing something to hurt her or make her get off.

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