Friday, September 29, 2006

I've been Tagged!

Angela (go Yankees!) tagged me!

Write 5 weird things about you or your pets. Tag 5 people.

Coming up with 5 things that most people don't know....hmm.

1. I love cheese, but the crust is my favorite part of the pizza (no sauce!)

2. I am loyal to a fault. I will not shop at Tops, a "competing" supermarket, because we are a Wegmans family (7 of us work(ed) there, and they gave a scholarship to me).

3. I love languages, and I loved spelling tests in school, but hated English class.

4. I would rather get somewhere early and relax then, than to wait until the last minute to leave.

5. If I say something I mean it. I won't offer Josh my chocolate unless I'm expecting him to take it, and want him to.

And I tag:

Kimberlee (don't have addresses for you)

1 comment:

Karen said...

Again - I'll put it here instead of the blog...

1-We did not intend to be the owners of the cats we have. Junior belonged to my Grandfather and I adopted him when he died and Smokey was thrown out of a moving car along the side of the road when she was a tiny kitten and rescued by our friend. I convinced Jim to keep her. =-)

2-My two favorite classes in college were also some of the most challenging for me:
-Conversational Russian 101
-Gross Anatomy (yes - I have dissected people)

3-My first date with my husband was to go see the movie "Saving Private Ryan". NOT a good first date movie (but it all turned out okay).

4-After watching the movie "Tommy Boy" and seeing the scene where they tried to sing the REM song "It's the end of the world as we know it" I went out and memorized the song just so I would never look like them when I tried to sing it. Pathetic, but true... There were so many other ways I could have used those brain cells...

5-I once won a jeopardy tournament by knowing the state flower of Texas (the bluebonnet)