Friday, September 01, 2006

Ultrasound next week!

Next week is a busy week. Monday is Labor Day, Tuesday's our anniversary (3 years!) and Wednesday is the 'big' ultrasound.

The big question everyone asks: will we find out what we're having.

The answer: NOPE!!

Well, hopefully I won't be silly and cave in like I did with Jasmine (it didn't matter, she was discrete and wouldn't let us find out anyways). But since I know how wonderful it was to wait until the day she was born, I don't think it will be as big a temptation this time.

Jasmine's birth was such a wild experience, but the eye of the storm, the moment of peace in all that preceded and immediately followed her birth, was when Josh told me we had a little girl.

Sure, it would have given us more peace about the fact that we never did have a boy's name chosen. We could have gotten her lots of pink things (because, as you know if you've seen pictures of her over the last 15 months, she certainly doesn't have enough PINK!). We could have referred to her as "Jasmine" the second half of the pregnancy.

But the "unknown" was so much fun. It was great having people guess what I was having (many guessed girl until they saw how low and in-front I carried, and then they started saying boy). And it was fun calling the baby "Jethro."

And this time, I think it works well that we call the baby "Placido." Jasmine will likely associate Placido with my belly, and then ______ as the baby, and not wonder what happened to ______ the belly-that-got-in-my-way :D

I can certainly understand everyone who chooses to find out. Even though I love leaving it a surprise, the fact that i could possibly find out on Wednesday is a pretty exciting feeling. But I won't let go of the memory of Josh telling me that we had a daughter, and I'm looking forward to letting him tell me again this time :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL that I would say that because we found out with Jack, but not with Henry, and it was such a fun experience! To announce to our family that we had another son!! I'd do it again! (but don't hold me to it, cause it was fun to know with Jack, too!)