Sunday, April 15, 2007

Reminder: 24 hours left! And more Jasmine goodies

I will be pulling all of my stuff tomorrow (Monday)morning, so don't forget to come buy (haha!) if you wanted to, before my kits are gone forever!!!

Here's a layout I did on Friday. I loved the pictures I got of her playing piano on Easter Sunday, and she was happy to play for me while I snapped away :)

At lunchtime today, we had leftovers, but Jasmine had been eating earlier so wasn't interested (big surprise). She eyed Josh's broccoli on his plate, though, and asked him what it was. (this girl never touches anything green). He told her it was broccoli, and she started saying "BROC-co-li, broc-CO-li, Broccoli!" So he asked if she'd like a taste. Her response: "Please!"
He gave her a tiny floret, and she took the tiniest taste. Then another. I asked, "Is it yummy?" and she said, "yum yummy!" and ate all but the end of the stem. And asked for more, which she ate very quickly. We'll see if she'll try it again, but maybe we can get her eating one of my favorite veggies before long :)

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