Friday, July 13, 2007

Big News!!

The big announcement still hasn't been made, but since you can see my picture on the staff page, I figure I can announce it here.

TDC had a call for Creative Team members 1 1/2 weeks ago, and I decided to try for it. I was nervous, trying so hard not to get my hopes up because I didn't make the past couple teams I tried for. But I've wanted to be doing something more there for a long time, and I found myself hoping anyways.

And I found out Monday morning that I was chosen! There are 10 of us new CT members, and I'm just so excited and honored to be one of them.
(for non-scrappers, the Creative Team gets the products free and then makes layouts to promote the things in the store. It is a huge privilege, besides the obvious perk of not having to buy everything there!!

You can see my name here :)

In other news, Rebekah has decided to learn how to crawl. She rocks and moves her legs, and last night she was working hard at picking up her arms (and falling over). So it won't be long until she's mobile too!!

Rats. this isn't animated here. You can see it move here.


Jenna said...

I gotta say it again!!! Hooray for you. That's going to be a fun time...can't wait to see what you do. :)

daNi aLeNCar said...

this is great. CONGRATS!!